Isle of Arran (updated 28/5)

Yesterday we were on the Isle of Arran. It was a pretty full day so I didn't have the time or energy to post something in the evening.

This morning we spent planning our next moves so I'm just putting in a little word now to keep you updated.

We're heading now towards Southend on the Kintyre peninsula, where we're planning to camp. Hopefully the rain won't be too bad!

I will try to update the blog again next time I have WiFi. Don't know when that will be though!

______ Update 28/5 ______

We are sitting in a bar with WiFi in a place that feels like the end of the world. (No kidding) Here are some additional pictures from our day on the Isle of Arran!

We started our day with a walk up Goatfell, the highest summit of Arran. On a clear day you can see as far as the coast of Ireland! We didn't see that far but the views were worth the climb.

After coming down and refreshing ourselves, we started a tour of the island on the public bus. Which resulted with us getting stranded for three hours in Blackwaterfoot... We got back at the hostel later than expected but everything worked out in the end and we had a very nice day! (And decided to let ourselves have a pretty relaxed morning the day after)

(I gave up getting the pictures organised. Here they are in random order)



  1. Yeah some pictures of you ! I've enjoyed a lot the grass and stone smiley face !

    1. We actually found it on the way, we did not make it! I thought it was very fun :-)


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