Cramond Island

Today we walked to an island. Well technically it was not an island when we walked there. But it is a true island a few hours at a time. Cramond island, in the firth or Forth is accessible on foot at low tide!

We planned this outing two weeks ago but then the tide times were not right. So instead we went to another island, by ferry: Inchcolm island (a post for that will come)

These pilars are all along the path to the island

Old WWII bunkers, like on every island in the firth of Forth it seems. Further away we can see Inchcolm Island where we went by ferry two weeks ago

From Cramond island we could see the Forth bridge, where we were two weeks ago

 Cramond village is a lovely place with whitewashed houses. Apparently, Cramond village used to be a Roman settlement. That is probably why the local inn has a Roman on its sign!


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